Summer 2023: Studio Notes

August 29, 2023

Summer 2023: Studio Notes

Summertime at an agency is an odd one. With our team on various holidays and trips, combined with our clients also jetting off it gave us some time to have an overdue 'spring clean'. We found time to update our own site and properly launch our new refresh. At the same time, whilst some of our clients were off on their hols, for some it was their busiest time of year...and equally we've been fairly busy supporting them. As we look towards the last four months of 2023, we recap what we've been up to.

We've had a refresh

If you've landed on this summer recap, you've most likely our new look. We've been busy in the background updating our look and feel with a brand new visual identity ourselves...and a new website. We're super proud of it (so are our mothers apparently...), particularly all of our latest case studies so we can show you what we've been up to.

We would include a mockup here...but you're already here. So check out our new 'Our Work' page, and see what we've been up to with our clients. Or keep on reading for our summer recap...

Webflow Experts

In some more exciting news after over 5 years of using Webflow on a nearly daily basis...we got round to certifying as proper Webflow Experts (which mean we *really* know what we're doing). After some rigorous testing for our developers and case study reviews by the team at Webflow, we were finally certified earlier in the summer. The best thing...we even get a funky badge to add to our website.

Our MD, Charles, had a few words when he found out:

"Having registered on Webflow in early 2018 it seems like an age since we launched our first site with the CMS. Fast-forward to 2023 and I don't think a days goes past that we're not on it: designing, building, tweaking, updating. Recognition from Webflow themselves that we're an 'expert' is super exciting, and just reinforces our commitment to using the benefits of the CMS with as many clients as we can."

Inaugural ESG report for UK data centres

At the start of the summer we were really proud to finish work on Kao Data's 2022 ESG Report. Along with some content support from our partners at Liminal Comms and Beyond Words ESG, we put together Kao Data's very first report of this kind that they published to their stakeholders, team and investors alike.

Featuring a comprehensive breakdown of their efforts to build a sustainable-first data company, we were delighted to hear from their team that it was warmly received by investors and even helped secure some new contracts.

Read the full case study here.

A double-spread from Kao Data's 2022 ESG Report

Startup branding for Lewisham-based charity

Our recent work for Lewisham-based charity Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) charity Biskitz is hot off the press, having only launched two weeks ago! The trustees at the charity approached us at the end of last year to work with them launch their charity's brand with a bespoke visual identity reinforced with a brand strategy developed in collaboration with their wider team.

Having worked on similar projects with nasen and DBV in SEND, we were really passionate about delivering an accessible and clear visual identity for the children and families they work with. The results we think speak for themselves.

Read more about how we helped Biskitz here.

A snippet of the brand guidelines we produced to help Biskitz hit the ground running with their visual identity.

Making waves with London's top zero-emission logistics provider

For all you eagle-eyed readers, you might have noticed we announced a new partnership with London's leading zero-emissions logistics provider 'Zhero' back in June. It's been a busy summer working with them to boost their digital presence and social engagement. As we looked back after 3 months of work, we're glad to see it's beginning to pay off with Zhero seeing increased engagement on their posts and growing awareness of the work they're doing both internally and with some amazing partners.

Zhero co-founders Joe and Ollie with one of their fleet vans this summer

...and that's a rap.

It's certainly been a busy summer...where's the sun gone already? As we look forward to the final four months of the year (sorry who said it's nearly Christmas!?) we've got some exciting projects, partnerships and announcements to make before we call 2023 a rap. So keep your eyes peeled.

And if you're reading this and suddenly it dawns on you that the project you've had in the works needs to be done in 2023, let us know. From visual identities to impact reports and Webflow development - we provide both specific support and wrap-around care to support you whatever the brief.

That's all for now folks - see you soon 👋

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