Introducing Campaigns For Good

October 24, 2022

Introducing Campaigns For Good

We promised something exciting was happening...👀 And here it is!

LinkedIn can be a lonely, depressing place sometimes. Particularly if you work in the sustainability sector, seeing constant updates on how the world isn't going to plan can be a tad depressing. So we wanted to do something to change that.

Introducing Campaigns for Good...

Your daily dose of positivity and creativity - a digital community and hub showcasing the most thought-provoking campaigns from across the world. All from brands that do good.

Don't get us wrong, negative news has its place to help spearhead change. But on the flip side, it's vital we showcase the good in the world. That's what we're doing with Campaigns for Good. Your daily dose of creativity, positivity and hope.

So what are you waiting for? Follow the page, and sign-up for the weekly email round-up so you never miss a campaign 💚

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