How iOS 14 Affects Ads and User Privacy

February 18, 2021

How iOS 14 Affects Ads and User Privacy

Mobile users make up a sizable chunk of online impressions and engagement. This is why brands are particular about catering ads, apps, and other marketing collaterals to mobile interfaces. Unlike desktop interfaces, mobile screens have more limited viewing space to promote more compact content for consumption.In the earlier years of mobile network connectivity, formatting for mobile simply had to take into account a mobile browser’s lighter format. Nowadays, smartphones and tablets can shoulder more processing power to allow heavier media elements like video to load on mobile webpages seamlessly.

It has been almost impossible to avoid the on-going dispute between Apple and Facebook about user and data privacy. But what does this mean exactly for mobile advertising and marketing going forward? Although modern smart devices have greater loading capacity, marketers need to be more cautious about how software and firmware are adapting to today’s digital age.

Consumers, service providers, and the digital revolution

Data privacy and security are two of the most prominent subjects of concern with the newer generation. It’s much harder nowadays to stay off the grid when almost all interaction with brands, government departments, and social engagements occur online. Although this has its pros of conveniences and accessibility, it’s undeniable that there are several cons as well.

Marketers’ ability to view and interpret a consumer’s digital footprint is integral in making effective marketing models for successful campaigns. Many people are subscribing to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to ensure that they’re safe from any risk of data theft. Even though it’s beneficial in some ways, it will result in inconsistencies in data tracking. This is where Apple’s latest update comes in to make a mandatory stand on ad blocking.

Apple’s iOS 14 update and how it impacts app advertising

The new iOS 14 update makes a drastic shift in how its firmware protects its users from potential data threats. It leads to several changes that will give its user more options on leaving a traceable digital footprint. For example, Apple users who download apps can now opt-in or out of ads with a particular Identifier for advertisers (IDFAs). It won’t involve much change if users decide to opt-in. However, data collection and tracking will be limited. This means advertisers may not have access to available information on how their advertising traffic fares.

Since there’s less data visible, it will be more difficult for brands to track and optimise their marketing efforts. Because the new update doesn’t register a user opting-out, there’s less information on how marketers can curate personalised ad targeting and affect remarketing efforts.

App advertising’s future

There’s no telling how Apple users will react to the new iOS 14 updates. Since there are no statistics yet on the number of people willing to opt-out of app advertising offers. It can be a small percentage that will be limited to a niche demographic of Apple users. On the other hand, It could be a considerable majority, which can lead to a shift in ad placement priorities. Besides Apple users’ responses, Android and other operating systems may follow Apple’s example or go for a different route in securing data privacy.

Apple’s latest update isn’t exactly a revolutionary form of technology that will break down one of the cornerstones of mobile marketing strategies. For example, ad blockers have been present for years, but brands have been overcoming these potential hindrances to spreading online awareness. It will be beneficial to see how the public responds and identify what strategies digital companies will use to circumvent the effects of iOS 14’s authorisation for data access.

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