Are you delivering a first-rate user experience?

March 11, 2021

Are you delivering a first-rate user experience?

Providing excellent customer service is always a priority in any growing business. Having that idea of caring for your consumers is now a staple on a company’s official website, where a lot of customer interaction occurs daily. It’s easy to think that customer service starts when your company’s representatives make contact with a customer—but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. It actually starts the moment a potential customer lands on your website!

User experience design (UX or UXD) pertains to the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the accessibility, ease of use, and efficiency of user interaction with websites. This is embedded in your website’s structure and design—and is where customer service is first experienced by the user!

If you want to make sure you offer potential customers the best experience, I recommend learning some of the core UX design principles and applying them to improve your website.

Keep your design simple and responsive

When you say “well-designed website,” it doesn’t mean you put all the bells and whistles to make it more appealing. What it actually pertains to is a website with a simple design that’s distinct and easy to navigate around. Simplicity entails having a clean layout with a two-colour scheme—with an optional third colour to use as an accent. It must contain sensible and eye-catching graphics that complement the theme and identity of the brand!

Aside from that, every clickable link, logo, module, dropdown menu, divider, image, and text on your website should have a purpose. Anything less than that should be removed from your site. Every page of your website should have a clear and singular goal. A home page to introduce your brand, an about page to explain your history and your mission, and a products or services page to feature what you have to offer are just some examples.

Make different elements visually distinct from each other

Creating a visually distinct layout should be one of your UX designer’s goals. To ensure that potential customers have the best user experience, you need to make it easier for them to find whatever they’re looking for. Your site should have visual cues and highlights to guide your user wherever they are on your website.

A good UX design practice is to make sure the user always knows where they currently are on your website. Your links and call-to-action buttons should stand out and be strategically placed to let the users know where they should go next. As long as different elements are visually distinct from each other, users will have no trouble navigating through your website.

Maintain a consistent flow throughout your user’s journey

Flow is when a user moves effortlessly from one element of the website to another. A perfect flow in your UX design can be achieved by having a clear design framework. That framework will allow anyone to have a seamless experience navigating through any point in your website.

If the user wants to go back to a previous page or your home page, it should be possible to do that within seconds without any fuss. However, if it takes them a minute and a couple of clicks to find the page or information they’re looking for, then you need to do something about it!

At the core of every website should be a logical and flawless design that will enable users to visit, navigate, and enjoy their use of the website. This is were good UX principles play a pivotal role in providing good customer service through your website. Remember, customers want clarity and simplicity in everything they do online; it’s what keeps them from closing the tab and moving on to the next search result.

Work with a company that cares about your customers’ user experience above all else. Our team is here to help you make the most out of your brand by helping you create an online presence that matters.

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