A 6-Step Guide to Building a Strong Brand Identity

March 18, 2021

A 6-Step Guide to Building a Strong Brand Identity

Before you officially launch your business, you need a solid brand identity, which is not a one-night process. It involves many careful considerations and a deep study of your market. The process creates one look that will communicate your brand and comprises the elements that your consumers would first see. It includes the visible features that distinguish your brand from others. Moreover, it serves as the guide for your company in corresponding to external and internal communications.

What is in a Brand Identity?

Your brand identity is what you would use across platforms, so it is necessary to create the required media. A brand identity comprises many vital elements, such as:

  • Memorable logo
  • Attractive colour palette
  • Professional typography
  • Brand-supporting graphic elements and icons
  • Photography guide
  • Illustration guide
  • Video guide
  • Web design guide

A Guide to Making Your Striking Brand Identity

Fortunately, we have a step-by-step guide to creating your brand identity. Here is what you need to do:

Step 1: Finalise Your Brand Strategy

Before creating your brand identity, you must expand on your brand strategy first. Your brand strategy determines what your brand stands for. It includes the personality you hope to convey and your promise to your customers. It also states your brand goals and how you plan to accomplish them.

By finalising your brand strategy, you can grasp what you want to communicate visually and in words. It also serves as a guide for consistent messaging on all platforms.

Step 2: Create Your Brand Persona

The persona can be the internal or external “face" of your brand. It is the collection of values, traits, and attitudes that you want people to associate with your business. It is also what makes your brand relatable to people. Make it as detailed as if describing a person, so you know how your brand would respond depending on different situations.

Step 3: Study Your Competition

Once you already know what your brand is supposed to be like, it is time to study your competitors. After all, you need to determine how to make your brand stand out from the rest. By learning how brands do it, you can see their strong points and what they lack. That is how you build a stronger identity for your brand.

Step 4: Flesh Out Your Creative Brief

With all the information you have, you can now draft your creative brief. It is a detailed description of how you want the brand to appear across all platforms and channels. It serves as the team's bible, guiding them on all visual identities relating to your brand.

Step 5: Develop Your Visuals

Once all the details are drafted, you can now brainstorm how you want everything to look visually. Here is the fun part of the process wherein the team decides how they wish to personify the brand visually.

Step 6: Execute the Designs

After the brainstorming, it is time to bring the sketches to life. Make sure you have a great artist who can translate everything into high-quality visuals.


For a successful and unique brand identity, you need strong collaboration between your team members. Doing so can make the process more manageable and enjoyable. Moreover, more heads could bring various ideas and inspiration. If things get more overwhelming, you could always ask for an expert’s help.

Should you need the service of a creative agency in London, we are here to help. Purple Banana is a South London-based creative studio. We strive to provide innovative design solutions which test the boundaries of digital marketing. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

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