4 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out for This Year

February 11, 2021

4 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out for This Year

Digital marketing is a must for your business because it creates brand loyalty, lets you reach a global marketplace, and gives you a competitive edge. While you may already have campaigns in place, remember that the landscape is ever-changing. This is especially true last year when the global pandemic affected audience behaviour.

To keep up with the changes, here are some digital marketing trends to anticipate this 2021:

1. In-app shopping

Social media platforms were primarily designed to allow users to communicate with one another. They encouraged millions to begin connecting with loved ones and acquaintances. Eventually, they added a discovery feature that lets people enjoy finding interesting content on social media, like blog posts, infographics, videos, photos, and more.

At present, social media users are doing more than just watching cute cat videos, reading informative articles, and browsing eye-catching photos. They also interact with online marketplaces, stores, and retail spaces. Users can shop directly from Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms with an in-app shopping feature without having to exit the app.

As a business owner, you can add a 'Shop' page to your website to provide a faster and more convenient shopping experience. To ensure your online store page’s speed and functionality, feel free to seek help from our team specializing in web design.

2. Live streaming

Live streaming has been around for several years and is now getting more popular. It’s a great alternative for hosting marketing events since strict lockdown regulations forced businesses and organizations to cancel or postpone their in-person affairs. As a result, many take advantage of social media platforms’ live streaming feature to enhance their connection between them and their audience.

Live streaming is useful when conducting events. It can also establish connections easily with your target customers. You may want to use this if your brand plans to partner with influencers or wish to address your customers directly. If you need assistance in holding successful live streaming sessions, consider partnering with our creative agency in London.

3. Product recommendations

As technology advances, your customers are going to have new preferences and expectations. It’s mainly due to big data advancements, empowering corporations to target prospects with relevant product suggestions.

To take full advantage of recommendations, you have to become somewhat your customers’ shopping 'friend'. Use your gathered data effectively to understand them and determine their likes and dislikes, age, and social status. This way, you can provide them with suggestions that match their needs and preferences.

4. Voice search

More users are taking advantage of voice search and voice shop features because using them is faster than typing in their queries on search engines and browsing for hours to look for their desired product or service. Therefore, you have to step up your game as a brand and make your items searchable via voice.


Digital marketing is ever-evolving, so you have to anticipate and prepare for various changes this year. Remember the trends listed above, make the necessary adjustments you need to keep up with the online landscape and ensure you are always up-to-date with your digital marketing strategies.

At Purple Banana Creative Design, we offer innovative digital marketing solutions catered to your business. Contact us to learn more about how we can improve your marketing efforts!

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